Method Precedence

Method Precedence#

The keyword argument precedence can be set to an integer value to specify precedence levels of methods, which are used to break ambiguity. Method precendence is a powerful tool that can be used to simplify more complicated designs.


from plum import dispatch

class Element:

class ZeroElement(Element):

class SpecialisedElement(Element):

def mul_no_precedence(a: ZeroElement, b: Element):
    return "zero"

def mul_no_precedence(a: Element, b: SpecialisedElement):
    return "specialised operation"

def mul(a: ZeroElement, b: Element):
    return "zero"

def mul(a: Element, b: SpecialisedElement):
    return "specialised operation"
>>> zero = ZeroElement()

>>> specialised_element = SpecialisedElement()

>>> element = Element()

>>> mul(zero, element)

>>> mul(element, specialised_element)
'specialised operation'

>>> try: mul_no_precedence(zero, specialised_element)
... except Exception as e: print(f"{type(e).__name__}: {e}")
AmbiguousLookupError: `mul_no_precedence(<ZeroElement object at ...>, <SpecialisedElement
object at ...>)` is ambiguous.
    mul_no_precedence(a: ZeroElement, b: Element)
        <function mul_no_precedence at ...> @
    mul_no_precedence(a: Element, b: SpecialisedElement)
        <function mul_no_precedence at ...> @ ...

>>> mul(zero, specialised_element)